Richard Davey

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: September 2024

The sole fact that September's Monthly Report goes out half a month later than it should tells you everything about the amount of work spent on the js13kGames competition this time.


Enclave Phaser Template updated to Phaser 3.60

Our own template we use for all our games, Enclave Phaser Template, was just updated to the latest version of the underlying game engine - Phaser 3.60.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2021

Last month was a weird one: we had a bunch of delays with our work and ultimately weren't able to finish planned tasks in time, got some bad news when we were counting on the good ones, but also got the awesome news faster than expected right after.


Enclave Phaser Template updated to Phaser 3.50

Since the latest Phaser release was the biggest one ever (not counting the major versions), I decided to give the Enclave Phaser Template an update as well.

Web Monetization

Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development — Grant Report #1

Our Grant for the Web project was announced in the middle of July 2020 - it had a somewhat generic name Web Monetized HTML5 Game Development since it was actually a few (six to be exact) smaller projects revolving around monetizing web games: three Enclave Games creations, js13kGames competition, an eBook, and a Gamedev.js Survey.