
Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: August 2024

Most of the month was taken over by js13kGames, as usual this time of year, especially since we're celebrating the thirteenth edition of the competition now.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: March 2024

Gamedev.js Jam 2024 preparations and announcements, GitHub Star status renewed yet again, old Enclave Games logos revisited, NSHex Counter going open source, publishing a lot on gamedevjs.com, reviewing a printed tweet, and more - I'm happy with how writing goes along and the recently overwhelming TODO list is getting shorter each week.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2023

December is traditionally rather slow, but we've managed to conduct (a shortened) Gamedev.js Survey, even including a warm-up week, so that's a second pretty decent month in a row.


Collecting data for Gamedev.js Survey 2023

The third yearly edition of Gamedev.js Survey is open for a week now, and will close next week, on Friday December 22nd - if you haven't filled the form yet, please do so!

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2023

GitHub Universe was my opportunity to finally fly to a conference this year, and Ewa managed to package and ship js13kGames 2023 swag - it seems November was pretty decent in terms of the job done, which is nice.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2023

January was suppose to be a fresh start after not so successful 2022 (to say the least) - I can't say we did all what we wanted, since we didn't (flu season is still on), but we did some of that.

Monthly Report

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2022

December was on a similar level to the previous couple of months, so not much has been done even though attempts were made.