Last month marked the transition between wrapping up Gamedev.js Jam 2022 and beginning the serious preparations to js13kGames 2022, with a short visit to Amsterdam in the middle.
I’m not gonna comment here until I finish that one game which was suppose to be out a couple of months ago already. Glad that the client is not pushing on the deadline…
I’m also not gonna tell you anything about a second game I just confirmed to be working on for a prominent company, which I’m quite excited as well, even though I usually reject client work at all to focus on our own projects. This one is unique though!
Not much beside the two trip reports (see the Events section below), but I did publish Countdown to js13kGames 2022 already.
Ewa did the usual bunch of banners for the blog posts, but also refreshed js13kGames 2022 sponsorship pdf, is in the middle of designing Enclave Games’ official hoodie, and made js13kBreakout concept art for the upcoming series of tutorials using Kontra.js, Goodluck, and LittleJS.
Even though I decided to skip talking this year and haven’t prepared anything new, I was still able to attend two conferences in June. First was Code Europe happening in Warsaw, so I only needed public transport to get there and Community Partnership through Gamedev.js to get the actual ticket. I met MishManners in person for the first time and had lots of fun.
The second conference was JSNation in Amsterdam to which I got invited by the organizers thanks to being in a Program Committee for the JS Gamedev Summit earlier this year, April to be precise. Had even more fun due to the fact of interacting with so many more cool people, and sleeping on a boat (!).
Sent last prizes from Gamedev.js Jam 2022 to the winners. Started sending out js13kGames 2022 emails to get partners, experts, and prizes. Got some confirmed already, so the beginning of July should be the time to start the constant flow of new js13k announcements on Twitter.
I bought three more Arcadians NFTs to broaden my team, since I only had three, out of which two were Wizards. So beside the custom Tech (and two mentioned Wizards), I now have also a Warrior, Assassin, and Gunner, all because I wanted to have my own squad for the 5 vs 5 battles. I even got the first Arcadeum Arena Alpha Cup POAP for participation.
Plans for the next month
Same as last month, more or less. Starting to feel bad about not progressing much.