January was full of various activities: from publishing the Yearly Report, through two js13kGames videos to watch, and Enclave Phaser Template being updated to 3.50, to the Global Game Jam 2021 invitation. And most of all, the work on the new js13kGames website moved forward significantly!
No actual gamedev work, but the EPT was updated to Phaser 3.50, and we were considering participating in GGJ 2021, but didn’t have time for that, unfortunately.
Not much beside the blog posts.
Ewa worked on the js13kGames mockups, prepared and analyzed the UX survey we ran across the community, worked with the UX designer on the flow of the new website, and built an example page as a reference for the front-end dev. Plus prepared the print files for the pen.
Participating in the Kernel Gaming Guild weekly calls, and supporting the Web Monetization category in the Global Game Jam 2021 introduced by IGDA Foundation.
Something I’ve been waiting for way too many years - the work on the new js13kGames website is onging! We have backend dev, front-end one, UX designer, Ewa is a graphic designer, and I guess I’m the project manager and/or the client (which is weird, but if it helps, then I’ll deal with it). We have bi-weekly update calls, and it finally feels like we’re going somewhere, compared to all those failed attempts over the years.
Printing of the js13kGames t-shirts and pens moved forward as well - the order was confirmed, invoice paid, and the actual printing should happen fairly soon. If everything goes well, then the packages might be shipped this month already.
Plans for the next month
More work on js13kGames, and finishing Grant for the Web projects.