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Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2022

December was on a similar level to the previous couple of months, so not much has been done even though attempts were made.

Enclave Games - Monthly December 2022: Enclave print


Nothing significant.


I wrote the (long overdue) blog post about Top entries from the Web Monetization category in js13kGames 2022 and that’s basically it.


Ewa made a banner or two, but focused on regaining her health.




We made a small post-compo jam with js13kGames and Poki. The new printing house is not responding to our initial query for printing js13kGames 2022 t-shirts, so we might need to look for another one soon, which is ridiculous already, it’s a bit too much to be honest. The js13kNewsletter was sent out with the summary of the last half a year.

I somehow managed to keep sending the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter, though recently there was an incident where some spammers used our email as the “sender” address, so in return I got hundreds of “f*ck you, I’m calling the police” replies to my inbox, to a degree I wanted to quit this entirely. Not sure if anything can be done in this case.

Enclave Games - Monthly December 2022: Enclave hoodie on me

We’ve finally printed our very first hoodies (and tote bags), yay!

Plans for the next month

Try to do some actual work.